If varicose veins appear, the treatment should be complicated: this way you will be able to achieve the desired result quickly. The technique used varies depending on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the patient. The sooner you start therapy, the easier it will be to heal.
Causes of varicose veins in the legs
Varicose veins in the lower part of the leg can occur due to weakening of the venous valve, decreased tone of the blood vessel wall. These diseases can not only affect the lower part of the legs: they remove the varicose veins of the uterus, esophagus, varicocele.
There are several factors that trigger this phenomenon:
- overweight;
- thromboflebitis;
- chronic alcohol dependence;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- constipation;
- genetic predisposition;
- congenital venous valve weakness;
- continuous static load (prolonged position);
- changes in hormone levels during pregnancy.
Medications prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis and relieving menopausal symptoms can also cause disease.
How to recognize varicose veins in time: the first signs

With timely diagnosis, it is possible to cure the pathology without the use of medication.
This can be done, however, only in the early stages, when the disease is just beginning to develop. Because the symptoms are often mild, many ignore the dangerous manifestations.
Feet feel heavy. It is very strong after a long walk, in the evening, in an upright position. Pain may occur in the lower leg area. First, swelling appears in small vessels; they remain elastic and easily fall off when pressed.
At a later stage, there is swelling in the ankle. The vessels swell, appear throughout, and large veins can also be seen. Leg cramps periodically; more often symptoms occur at night. In addition, severe itching appears.
Remedy for varicose veins
The method of treating varicose veins in the lower part of the leg depends on the degree. Medications are not the best medicine for varicose veins today: they can slow the development of pathology, but they can not completely cure it. They are suitable as an additional step in complex therapy. Several groups of drugs are used: phlebotonics, anticoagulants, antioxidants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, fibrinolytic.
Phlebotonics is taken to improve venous outflow. Anticoagulants help reduce your blood viscosity, which reduces the risk of blood clots. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve inflammation, reduce the pressure on the tissues, so that the pain becomes more intense. Antioxidants strengthen blood vessels.
Ancient folk recipes for varicose veins
Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies should be done under the supervision of a doctor: it is not recommended to choose your own recipe. It is important to consider the contraindications for the use of each plant. People with pathology of the cardiovascular system, nerves, pregnant and lactating women should be careful (medicinal plants can affect the composition and properties of milk). To get rid of varicose veins without surgery, you need to start treatment with traditional medicine as early as possible, choose the most effective with your doctor.
We recommend changing the menu as well. You should add more blueberries, avocados, lettuce, asparagus, buckwheat to your diet. Beets are also beneficial for varicose veins: they help clear the ducts, get rid of pathological symptoms. Need to follow the rules of drinking: every day the patient should drink at least 2 liters of water until the blood becomes less concentrated.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You can cure varicose veins at home with apple cider vinegar. At the same time, the tone of the vascular wall and local blood circulation improved, and the swelling decreased. It is important to be careful in dealing to avoid chemical burns.
Effective foot bath. Needed to collect 10 liters of water, heated to +20. . . + 30 ° C, into the basin, pour 0. 5 liters of vinegar, stir and lower your feet there. The limbs should be taken care of daily for 7 minutes for 2-3 months.
Acetic compresses are also useful. They can be made from vinegar diluted in a ratio of 1: 4 with pure water. The folded gauze bandage is dipped several times into the solution, after which it is removed, squeezed into a little moist, and applied to the lower leg. The compress is wrapped with adhesive and fitted with an elastic bandage. You need to last for an hour, repeat every day. Course duration is from 1 to 2 weeks.
Essential oils

An effective folk remedy for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis - essential oils that can be added to the bath to enhance the healing effect. You will need to use different medicinal plant extracts, which can be replaced.
Bathing with mint essential oil helps eliminate swelling. You need to pour a handful of sea salt into the water, add a few drops of oil, lower the lower limbs into the liquid and sit for 20 minutes. After the procedure, you need to rinse your feet with cold clean water. It is also recommended to do a light self-massage later.
Juniper oil will also help. Dissolve 4-5 drops of milk or cream and add the mixture to the bath. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, during which you should bathe daily for 20 minutes.
Other oils can be used. Effective in combating varicose veins from sage, fir, geranium, rosemary, lemon, ginger. Sea buckthorn oil will also help relieve the symptoms of the disease. Varicose vein therapy with oil with the addition of sea salt is effective: the components complement each other in action.
Bee products contain substances that reduce inflammation and thin the blood.
Beeswax is injected into the affected area with a sting. Only a specialist in a medical institution can perform this procedure; dangerous to do this at home. This method of therapy thins the blood, tightens the walls of blood vessels.
If the patient has allergies, then this treatment should not be carried out.
Tomatoes can also be used to hide veins. Choose green, containing a substance similar to acetylsalicylic acid. They will be beneficial because of their anti-inflammatory effects. It is necessary to cut the fruit into thin slices, stick to the diseased veins, fix with film. Such compresses are done before bed, as they must be stored for 8 to 12 hours. It should be repeated until the symptoms disappear completely.
Used in decoction form. To prepare the medicine, you need to take pre-chopped nuts and boiling water in a ratio of 1: 5. Boil for 3-8 minutes on low heat, cool, strain, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The duration of therapy can be 3-4 months or more.
Vodka tincture is also effective. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of chopped nuts and 1 liter of alcoholic beverage. Pour the raw material with the liquid and leave in a dark, warm place for 10 days, at once. Then tension. Take 20 drops three times a day. Continue until the medicine runs out, then rest for a while.
Cabbage leaves for varicose veins are used for compresses. Sprinkle fresh leaves with cold water and place in the refrigerator, where it can stand for 24 hours. Apply to problem areas, fix with foil, leave for 5-6 hours. The procedure should be repeated daily for 1 month.

You can use honey compresses for your feet. To make it, you need to apply the liquid product on a folded gauze bandage several times, apply to the affected area, wrap with adhesive film and fix with an elastic bandage. Store for 2 hours, repeat daily. The course lasts for 2-3 months.
If your feet hurt, compresses are also made with propolis. It is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 5, after which the gauze is dipped into the resulting liquid and glued to the affected area just like a honey compress. You need to keep it no more than 40 minutes, apply it in the same way as honey.
You can make ginger ointment for varicose veins with your own hands. This method of treatment sometimes does not feel very pleasant, but is considered the most effective method. Grind 100 g of peeled ginger, heat to +80. . . + 90 ° С, add 50 ml of glycerin to the plant. Smear the damaged area, soles.
Taking ginger tea orally, adding dried spices to food will also help. This can not only help get rid of pathological symptoms, but also have a beneficial effect on the state of the human immune system.
Can be used in the form of compresses or medical drinks.
For the first option, fresh berries are kneaded into porridge, spread on a gauze bandage and lean on the widened veins, where it is fixed with a bandage. It is recommended to do it at night. The drink is juice, for every 0. 5 liters you need to add 2 tbsp. honey flowers. Take four times a day for 2 tbsp. 1. 5 months.
For treatment, use the internal pulp, which must be cleaned of seeds. Place on the affected area, secure with foil, wrap on top with something warm, concentrated and leave until morning.
Apple Adam
Ointment works well. Lard is placed in a 1. 5 cm thick glass container, after which Adam's apple is cut into pieces with a layer of 1 cm and placed on top. Then a layer of lard followed. So alternately the components are laid out until the jar is filled; there must be a layer of fat on top. Then you need to put the mixture in a steam bath for a day: the contents should not boil. Let cool, then strain. Apply on the affected area 2 times a day.

Both citrus intake in food and external consumption will bring benefits. To make an effective lemon wrap, cut the fruit into thin slices, apply on inflamed veins, and wrap with compress paper. Wear all day, replace the former lemon with fresh every few hours. Since lemon juice cleanses the blood vessels, it is recommended to use it not only for medical purposes, but also for prevention.
golden mustache can be added to citrus: this therapy will be effective for varicose veins. Peel 6 pieces, squeeze the juice, mix with 5 cloves of chopped garlic and 3 golden mustache leaves, add 2 cups of flower honey, stir well. Insist 7 days in the dark in a glass container. Take 4 teaspoons. Every day. It takes a month to be treated with such a drug.
Potatoes can be used in a variety of ways. It is important to use only cooked sweet potatoes in it.
Internal intake is useful because vegetables cleanse the blood vessels, have anti-inflammatory effects. Half a grated sweet potato. Place the raw material in a thin cloth and squeeze until clean. You need to drink the juice produced immediately; the amount of intoxication should not exceed 1 tbsp. Use in the morning half an hour before meals. To be treated - a month.
Juice can also be used for compresses. Inside, a linen napkin or gauze is moistened, rubbed into the inflamed area, fixed with a bandage and left for 2 hours. Then you need to rinse your feet under running water.
In the early stages, other compresses will help relieve the feeling of heaviness, discomfort after a long walk. Some young tubers are crushed to a pulp state. Then the resulting mass is heated to + 45 ° C and applied to the problem area for 2 hours.
"Mountain Resin" helps relieve stagnation. In the early stages, its use will be very effective. It should be used in the form of an ointment made from 1 part mummy and 5 - petroleum jelly. The components are stirred until homogeneity is obtained, after which the resulting natural medicine is rubbed into places where the veins are inflamed with gentle circular motions.
You can also use it internally. A small amount of material is dissolved in 1 tbsp. milk with honey and take this medicine twice a day. Therapy lasts for a month.
Fish oil
The use of fish oil is often recommended internally: these supplements normalize metabolism, induce the breakdown of adipose tissue, and lose weight. There is, however, another effective application. May honey and fish oil be taken in the same ratio, stirred until smooth. The resulting product is rubbed on a linen napkin, the affected limbs are wrapped and left until morning.

It is not the bulb that will benefit, but the husk. There are some effective recipes with it.
Grind the husk, take 2 tbsp, pour 500 ml of boiling water, cover, leave to soak for 6 hours, drain. They take natural medicine three times a day, 0. 25 cups before meals for 10 days.
Vodka tincture also helps. For its manufacture, 2 tbsp are taken. raw materials and 100 ml of alcoholic beverages. The husk is poured with vodka and transferred to a place out of reach of sunlight for a week. When the exact time has elapsed, the product is filtered and taken 3 times a day, 20 drops 15 minutes before meals.
Cloves with white husk are crushed, added to butter, which is 2 times larger, and mixed. The resulting ointment is applied to the dilated veins before bed. Wrap the top with parchment paper. In the morning you need to clean the remnants of the product under running water. Repeat daily.
Hydrogen peroxide
Most often used to make lotions or compresses. You need to soak the cotton in peroxide and apply to the affected area. Store for 20 minutes to 1 hour. Repeat daily until symptoms disappear. The duration of therapy may vary depending on the severity of the patient's condition.
Peroxide will also benefit from the formation of ulcers, which often join varicose veins at a later stage. The skin around the wound should be treated to prevent the infectious process. In addition, in the event of swelling, it is necessary to water the lesion to destroy the bacteria and accelerate healing.
You need to make an iodine grid in the same way as with ARVI: the solution is applied on a cotton swab, with the help of which lines are drawn along the varicose nodes (the distance between them is about 1 cm), then - perpendicular and intervalthe same time. It is recommended to perform the procedure before bed.
Treatment of varicose veins with salt is possible in 2 ways: with the help of a bath or compress. In the first version, up to 500 mg is poured into water, a few drops of essential oil are added for greater efficiency, they are bathed in the resulting liquid for 20 minutes. For the second, the salt is diluted with water until the slurry is obtained, which is then rubbed on the gauze bandage and rubbed on the sore vein. You need to keep the compress up to 4 hours; can be done several times a day.
Pour warm water into the basin, dissolve 200 g of baking soda and 70 g of alum in it. Place the foot into the resulting liquid. Bathe for 15 minutes, repeat 2 days after 1. The duration of the therapy course is 2 weeks.
Laundry soap

It should be used as easily as possible, without aromatic additives.
Grind the bar with a meat grinder, add 200 g of stale bacon, millet, chopped onion, stir until smooth and leave for a day. Then the resulting ointment is applied to the compress.
Blue and green clay will help get rid of varicose veins. First, it is necessary to dilute it with water to obtain a mass similar to that of a batter. Apply clay to a soft cloth, apply to the affected area and keep for 40 to 80 minutes. Repeat daily for 2 months or more, until desired results are obtained.
Plant-based compresses will help. First you need to collect ingredients from varicose veins in the legs. To do this, take 1 part violet tricolor, horsetail, yarrow bark and oak, 2 parts chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort each. John's perforated. The components are mixed, pour 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. For several days in a row it is used in the form of compresses. You can also use such an infusion to wash trophic ulcers in case of further illness.
Acacia Tincture
Take 8 tbsp. dried flowers, place in a glass container, pour 20 ml of vodka, cover and hold for 10 days in a dark dry room. It is best to shake it frequently: this way the extraction will be better. Strain the finished product, squeeze the raw material. Use to rub the problem area.
Chestnut Horse
Oral textures can be provided. To do this, pour 500 ml of vodka with 50 g of chopped fruit. For 2 weeks, the product is brewed in a dark, warm place, sometimes vibrating; then filter. You need to take 40 drops three times a day. The admission course is 3 weeks.
Created from Fruits and Ointments. To do this, you need to mix 300 ml of olive oil, 6 powders and 2 tbsp. flowers. The resulting mass is stored in a water bath for 2 hours, cooled, through a sieve. Any animal fat (such as badger) can be added to create the desired consistency. Apply on the knot for 2-3 weeks at night, then, if necessary, continue the course.
Boil nettles

Burning plants can be used fresh or dried. If the leaves are fresh, they will grind until pale; dried - crushed into powder.
Pour boiling water over nettles in a ratio of 1: 8, boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes, let cool, strain. Drink 70 ml 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month.
Boil Calendula
For the preparation of 2 tbsp products. flowers are poured with 2 cups of water until boiling, put on low heat and boil for another 1/4 hour. When the liquid has cooled, it is filtered; take 100 ml four times a day.
Treatment with leeches should be done by a professional; such techniques cannot be used independently. These worms help make the blood thinner and reduce the risk of blood clots. Hirudotherapists apply leeches to problem areas. You need to be treated with 5 procedures. Before repeating, a 2-month break is required.
This plant-based lotion will help reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. You need to finely chop 30 g of leaves and stems, pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and cool. In the broth, a gauze bandage is moistened, with which the diseased limb is then wrapped. From above, everything must be wrapped in a thick towel or blanket. Remove the compress after half an hour.
Grape Leaf
Leaves are used for healing baths. In 3 liters of boiling water, 50 g of raw material is steamed, then poured into a basin and diluted to a comfortable temperature with running water or with warm chamomile broth. This course consists of 15 procedures, 20 minutes per month.
The use of this ingredient for varicose veins is very important during the period of exacerbation of the disease. You need to grind the fresh leaves of the plant until the juice appears. Then mix in equal parts with kefir. Apply the resulting pasta to a napkin made of natural cloth, lean on the enlarged veins and keep for 30-40 minutes. Repetition should be done daily.
Willow bark
2 tablespoons of fresh chopped willow skin must be poured with 250 ml of cold water, boiled, then immediately removed from the heat, covered, wrapped in a warm blanket, left to soak for half an hour. Dilute the product with warm water and dip your feet into it. When the limbs are steamed, the remaining concentrated broth must be rubbed into the varicose veins. Treatment can be lengthy; the minimum duration of the course exceeds 20 days.
Sour cream and walnut seeds
Grind the beans in a coffee grinder and grind into greasy pasta. Add a large amount of homemade sour cream to them until you get a thick mass that does not spread on the skin. Stir in the peanut butter cream mixture, shape the cake and attach it to the expanded vessel. Repeat for 3 weeks 1-2 times a day.
Royal jelly
Mix 10 g of royal jelly with 100 g of propolis and 150 g of olive oil. Preheat the mixture to + 50 ° C (it is impossible to be stronger, as the beneficial substance will be crushed under the influence of high temperatures), then add 50 g of glycerin. The cooled mixture must be lubricated with varicose veins in case of pain.
To prepare the medicine decoction, dried fruits and water are taken in a ratio of 1 to 3. Boil for 15 minutes, strain, drink 0. 5 cups after meals.
Vodka tincture is also useful, for its preparation you need to pour 50 g of hawthorn with a glass of alcoholic beverage. The workpiece was left for 7 days, after which it was filtered and for another 2 weeks it was thrown into a dark room. You need to drink 30 drops after a meal; left to stir in another liquid.
Contraindications to the use of folk remedies
If you have individual intolerance to any of the selected recipe components, you should abandon the chosen method. It is necessary to refrain from allergic reactions. Also:
- If any unwanted symptoms appear during treatment, you should stop taking it, choose a recipe that is more appropriate for your doctor.
- Special care should be taken by pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly, minors, patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system.
- Shilajit is prohibited in the event of adverse blood clotting, arterial hypertension, oncological pathology, recent surgical interventions (especially abdominal). Also, this drug is not suitable during pregnancy, lactation, people over the age of 70 years.
- Apple cider vinegar is not used for inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, severe renal and hepatic pathology.
- Ginger should be left for inflammatory processes on the skin, increased body temperature, taking blood thinners, high blood pressure, after a recent stroke. Do not use inside for gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, cholelitiasis.
- Soda is contraindicated for large skin lesions (including trophic ulcers), exacerbation of thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, bladder.
- Royal jelly should not be used if there is an acute infectious pathology, Addison's disease. The presence of benign or malignant neoplasms is considered a relative contraindication; in this case, treatment must be performed under the supervision of a specialist.
- The use of garlic medicine is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, epilepsy. Do not apply externally if there is an open wound, the skin is too sensitive.
- Horse chestnut is not suitable for people with etiological bleeding (including menstruation in women), with low blood pressure, hemophilia, diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, acute renal failure. This drug is dangerous for pregnant women (especially in the first trimester), breastfeeding.
Before using any of these products, it is recommended that you see your doctor.